Although the spice of co-curricular activities was evident throughout the term, the highlight of the second half-term was no doubt the kaleidoscope of colours tagged "International Day".
This uniquely exciting, highly creative and fascinating pet project of the outgoing set of prefects took place on the day before vacation and featured each grade representing specific countries that included China, Egypt, France, India, Italy and Nigeria! Creativity, ingenuity, fantastic team work and close collaboration from our wonderful parents were on palpable display as the grades set out to depict 'their' history and culture through power-point presentations, exhibitions, dressing, songs and dance. The French pantomime,, Indian wedding ceremony, 'One Nigeria' dance show, Romeo and Juliet drama, Chinese warlords and the Egyptian princess' dance left an indelible mark in the minds of all present. The coveted first place position went to Italy, represented by Grade 10 students while the second and third positions went to China (Grade 11) and Nigeria (Grade7&Pre-High) respectively. It was another forum for team work, healthy competition and out-of-classroom learning for all our students.